Saturday, February 2, 2013

Your Body Was Not Made To Look Like That!!

Women sometimes wear corsets for long periods for that "hourglass" figure
Looking at before and after photos of people who lost weight, what do you see? Amazing results, right? What about the not so amazing results? You know the kind where the person looks almost skin and bones and they are just smiling in their "after" picture. What else do you notice? The "before" photo wasn't as bad as the person tries to let on, when all they really needed to do was tone it up. You know, the pictures that you look at and think, "This girl just wanted to show us how great she looked before and after."

We all want to look gorgeous and turn heads. But there are times when women will go to extreme measures to do things that their bodies are not meant to do. Example: lip injections, breast implants, butt shots, tummy tucks, just to name a few. I'm not promoting that these are good alternatives to putting in work but I'm saying that not all women who go this route look good with these types of procedures. More so, there are even more dangerous extremes that women go through to get the body they want to please America as the "norm".  Those are eating disorders Bulimia and Anorexia, and Binge Eating. These are NOT to be attempted not only because the risk of death, but also because of the damage it can cause to the organs in the body, the emotional toll on oneself and their families, and the psychological impact that it has. It's not worth it to be super skinny IMO.

Same thing with our everyday diet and exercise. If one is not careful it can become extreme. We all have our genetic make up. Everyone is not to be a size 0. Everyone is not meant to be a thick chick. You can workout for 30 minutes every day and see results. You can workout for 2 hours and see results but also can risk injury and exhaustion. You can eat sensibly and see the weight come off and stay away permanently. As well as you can damn near starve yourself and see the weight come off extremely fast but end up on an eating binge, gaining back the pounds and then some in the process.
Real women with real curves

Ladies, we cannot look towards the media to dictate what beauty should be. Itty Bitty Skinny isn't always it. Star Jones was the prime example of when drastic weight loss does not look right. She looked sick, and unhealthy. Glad she decided to gain some weight back. Jill Scott, Jennifer Hudson are women who lost weight and still look fantastic.

Find out what your BMI (body mass index) and weight for YOUR height should be. That should be your guide line, not the end all be all. If your head becomes bigger than your body, then suga you have lost too much, ya hear? Lol.  Look at these body shapes here below. These are realistic goals for the most part. Don't think to be healthy you have to be a Skinny Minnie. Women like Queen Latifah, go to the gym often and still are voluptuous women because that is their body make up. Don't be afraid to create a goal that looks good for you, not for society's sake.