Monday, December 31, 2012

Supreme 90 vs P90x Chest and Back

I have over twenty workout DVDs in my cd wallet for easy access and rotation. I believe you should have different types of workouts so you don't end up getting bored. I also believe those workouts should be something that you will enjoy. Moving on...

The point of this post is to compare the Chest and Back disc of P90X to that of the Chest and Back of Supreme 90. While the two discs seem to be similar, they are noticeably different also. Both are pretty intense and it boils down to the individual's preference.

P90X Chest and Back:

Tony Horton is the instructor who will be walking you through the workouts. He demonstrates how each workout is to be performed and puts strong emphasis on form over performance so you will not injure yourself. He tells you to go at your own pace and don't worry if you can not complete a specific workout with high numbers. For him, it's about the quality not the quantity. I like that he does the workouts to completion with his team instead of walking around the entire DVD talking.


You will need dumbbells and either a pull up bar or a band. I used 3lb dumbbells for the workouts that required the pull up bar/band. If you don't have those two extras, you can find them at a decent price on (I love that place).

Workouts is as follows
 Standard Push-ups
 Wide Front Pull-ups
 Military Push-ups
 Reverse Grip Chin-ups
 Wide Fly Push-Ups
 Closed Grip Overhand Pull-ups

 Decline Push-ups
 Heavy Pants

 Diamond Push-ups
 Dive Bomb
 Back Flys

The length of the workout is almost 53 minutes. The program has a timer to let you know how much time you have left. This workout does include a warm up and cool down.

Supreme 90: Chest and Back


Tom Holland is the instructor of this program who will be literally walking you through the program. He does not participate in the workouts on here. In fact, he isn't even dressed to be working out. He does put emphasis on going at your own pace but that is hard to do when you have two of the three team members looking as though they are having their own personal race against one another. It's fast paced, so if you are not familiar with the workouts, these routines will seem too much. He doesn't talk about form. He show you one or two moves before beginning each workout, but you will either have to wing it or watch the DVD first (as I did).


You will need two sets of dumbbells and a stability ball. Again, if you don't have the stability ball you can find it at reasonable prices just about anywhere and Amazon.

Workout is as follows
Fitness DVD Addiction has the breakdown here:

The workout is about 33 minutes long. It does not have the timer to inform you how much time you have left. It has a warm and cool down. I have heard some people complain that the warm up and cool down here is the same for all workouts and not targeted to specific muscle groups.

I don't know how I feel about either. I have 3 bambinos and need time to workout so right now Supreme 90 is ahead just for the reason that it is not almost an hour long. I like P90X also because there is no hurry to get a routine done and you are encouraged to do as much as your body allows you to. I felt bad for the guy in Supreme 90. His other two team mates were standing there waiting for him to finish up as he seemed like the only one who wasn't in a rush to get every workout done.

I encourage all you dolls to check out previews on youtube before purchasing any workout dvd to make sure that they will suit your needs!!

Later sugas!!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Heavy On My Mind

Let me start off by saying I do not claim any one type of religion as my own. I do believe there is something greater than ourselves out there and when you get to the bottom of it all, most religions have the message of having love, peace, and harmony, as well as being a humanitarian among mankind.  I have been VERY fortunate to meet people of different faiths/ethnicity and learn about their beliefs and customs. It's one of the things I love about where I live. Call me very open minded, but I have a large amount of respect for people who are willing to share their world with others to learn with open arms and a smile.

Since the killings in the Connecticut elementary school, people in the media and society have been saying that America needs God back in public schools. Children need guidance when parents cannot provide it. Children need values and morals instilled in them when parents don't do it themselves. Because God has been taken out of schools, these massacres are allowed to happen. This is what is being said, not my words.

Let's backtrack for a second; I was born in Detroit, MI raised for maybe 4 years in a small town called Jackson and we use to say the "Pledge of Allegiance" as well as sing the "Our Country" at school. I vaguely remember that there were prayer sessions for some students every morning. Once I moved back to Detroit in maybe 1st-2nd grade, I noticed that those three morning "traditions" were missing and it was straight to work for us after morning announcements. I found out later that it was taken out of most schools around the US because other religions had some concerns of it.

Lately I have been thinking about the many extremists out there in quite a few religions and since hearing people saying God needs to be brought back to schools, it gives me an uneasy feeling. I don't think it is a bad idea, however, I wonder what do those who are voicing the need mean exactly? Who's God? Will it be everyone or just a certain few? Since 911, there are many who are not very friendly towards Muslims, so it leaves in my mind to wonder who will it benefit? Who will it exclude? As great as it would be to give exposure and enable all religions to coexist, sadly the reality is that there are going to be a few who will go on a fear and smear campaign and it will cause another problem in itself. And for a mother of 3? Yes I definitely want to avoid any mayhem and foolishness as I teach my children that they have the right to their own faith without prejudice. Over the years, this world has become a big melting pot of people and I sincerely hope that one day people will stop being so agoraphobic in their thinking and step outside their comfort zone and explore what they do not understand. But today, I say "They're not ready".

Friday, December 14, 2012

What Are You Waiting For?

I have always listened in wonderment when friends would say "I'm going to start x,y,a after New Years". It's as though people need 6 or so months to prepare themselves to actually do an act than to actually go ahead and just do. Why do we torture our being with attainable desires that we refuse to just reach out and touch at that moment? Why do we act as those we have forever to make something happen for us instead of just striking when we have a chance?
I use to make excuses about what I wanted or what I planned to do and would most always fall short. Why? I was either not in that frame of mind of needing to do it, meaning I really did not want it. Or I would start and not finish it. It's easy to drop a project and never come back to it. It's easy to speak defeat and be content.
Do don't it. Either start what you have your mind on and finish it or write a list out on paper and see if it's something you really have time to waste on to not see through.

Monday, December 10, 2012

I Am Woman Hear Me Roar!!!

Real women do it all but along with doing it all we tend not to do for ourselves. We often slack on our beauty, sleep, our all around health. How many times have you got up in the morning on the wrong side of the bed? How many times did you have to get up and moving and decided not to dress up but rather throw on after day because that outfit was convenient and comfortable? Yes, you and me both. We know those pictures that you post on Facebook and share on Instagram are in clothes you just threw on.. HA. Don't feel bad, we all do it and it just means that we have to make the time to pamper ourselves. We are living and interacting in stressful environments and sometimes we forget that we too need to keep ourselves in order as we keep the atmosphere around us normal.

I grew up in a household where vegetables had a place. I can remember my mom making baked chicken, cabbage, white rice with gravy, green beans, and a big salad. Anything we ate most ALWAYS was accompanied with a salad or some sort of vegetable. My mother would say "Eat your ruff-age" as she made collard greens with turkey necks. Oh boy!! What I am saying is that our meals were pretty balanced. For me it was just good eatin', when in fact it meant much more......

I moved to NYC when I was 18, in the fall of 2004. In a city where fast food restaurants and convenient stores are literally in your face, it is easy to get sucked into the quick, fast, hostility, and lazy lifestyle. Let's not forget, being around cultures where the diets are different. Some that are meant to have you feeling full and healthy for the whole day and some that make you look "healthy", or plump rather, and hungry within an hour. I have had a taste of both and managed to end up on the spectrum of plump. Well I wish that were the case, I ended up looking pregnant months after I had already given birth. So join me as I take this journey to get back on track with health in abundance of all things, mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual!