Monday, December 10, 2012

I Am Woman Hear Me Roar!!!

Real women do it all but along with doing it all we tend not to do for ourselves. We often slack on our beauty, sleep, our all around health. How many times have you got up in the morning on the wrong side of the bed? How many times did you have to get up and moving and decided not to dress up but rather throw on after day because that outfit was convenient and comfortable? Yes, you and me both. We know those pictures that you post on Facebook and share on Instagram are in clothes you just threw on.. HA. Don't feel bad, we all do it and it just means that we have to make the time to pamper ourselves. We are living and interacting in stressful environments and sometimes we forget that we too need to keep ourselves in order as we keep the atmosphere around us normal.

I grew up in a household where vegetables had a place. I can remember my mom making baked chicken, cabbage, white rice with gravy, green beans, and a big salad. Anything we ate most ALWAYS was accompanied with a salad or some sort of vegetable. My mother would say "Eat your ruff-age" as she made collard greens with turkey necks. Oh boy!! What I am saying is that our meals were pretty balanced. For me it was just good eatin', when in fact it meant much more......

I moved to NYC when I was 18, in the fall of 2004. In a city where fast food restaurants and convenient stores are literally in your face, it is easy to get sucked into the quick, fast, hostility, and lazy lifestyle. Let's not forget, being around cultures where the diets are different. Some that are meant to have you feeling full and healthy for the whole day and some that make you look "healthy", or plump rather, and hungry within an hour. I have had a taste of both and managed to end up on the spectrum of plump. Well I wish that were the case, I ended up looking pregnant months after I had already given birth. So join me as I take this journey to get back on track with health in abundance of all things, mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual!

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