Sunday, March 23, 2014


That day when you decide to leave it all behind. The day you decide that you will no longer listen to the lies. The day you are tired of migraines and tension between your brows because you feel compelled to solve problems that are not of your own. The day when you decide to take back the life you never got to live because you were not allowed to be a kid but was expected to understand adult situations. One day, you have to get a grasp on things before you lose yourself into oblivion. You have to distance yourself from those who are still in turmoil, those who like to see confusion in your life as well as within your family. You have to back away from "friends" who secretly despise your existence because they see the greatness in you that you may not see in yourself. You have to reach into your inner being and focus on what is it and where it is that you want to leave your mark. You are not getting any younger but older and with that is suppose to be a surge of wisdom. The day you decide to live for you and to have what you see as a new beginning. The day you decide to take that plunge on a new job or degree. The day you decide to give pup what is harmful to you is the day you decide to get off the edge and FLY.

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