Monday, March 24, 2014

Kim&Kanye ~ Why Do You Care So Much?

So they got together and had North. They are engaged. They did a music video together showcasing their love. Now there is a Vogue cover with them on it. People are outraged. Really?? I seriously don't care about what they do. I do not know them personally, I have not a dime invested in them. But still, these two are always in someone's mouth. Let's get real for a minute shall we:

When life gives you lemons: Make the best damn lemonade possible!

think know that Kim did not get a fair shake when that video came out. If she had not come out in the video, many would not care about the television show "Keeping up with the Kardashians", she would have just been another round the way chick who happened to get a television deal.  Since it did happen however, society looks for every reason and opportunity to find fault in her and her family. She took advantage of the way she was exposed and decided to take negative situation and turn it into a positive.

I like Kanye. If you really sit and listen to him talk in the video below you will see, not someone unstable but someone who isn't a rapper but a man trying to go about his life. He is intelligent. He is always ranting and raving because he is always on edge. He can't even have a decent interview without someone saying something rude or bring up his past blow up. Check out his other videos and you will see what he wants to accomplish in life but can get a fair shake because people judge (as often do) before they really get a chance to talk to him.

I do not own this video

I know many will not agree with me and that is cool. But I think when people are quick to judge based on what someone else WANTS them to see then it's wrong and unfair. These two, as well as other celebs, I am sure, are getting paid off of the hatred that many expose to them on a daily basis. And while the money maybe good, it does affect them emotionally because instead of looking at their craft, at their gift, their moments of weaknesses are what's being televised, what's making news. It seems that in today's world you are no body unless you are hated. I rather be loved and just a normal person than to be someone who is popular and hated by everyone. As the saying goes,  when it comes to popularity, it all falls down.

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